Seeds: Celery Seed
As with many of the herbs and spice we use in this country the venerable celery seed comes to us from another country, that being India! I just love my Indian herbs and spices!
Besides being used in cooking endeavors the celery seed has been used as medicine since the time of the ancient Greeks. Around the 19th century celery seeds were being used as a vegetable in food and in other food uses such as pickling. The celery seed tastes like celery and when crushed to be used in recipes is very aromatic and slightly bitter. You would be very surprised to find out that the celery seed is used in more places than you think! Ever use Old Bay seasoning in your cooking? Guess what? Old Bay makes use of celery seeds for their aromatic qualities. Do you like to have a Bloody Mary on occasion? Of course you do! The best Bloody Mary's are made using celery salt which comes from the celery seed! If you come from New York as I do then you have had a New York hot dog I am sure over at Nathans Famous in Coney Island. Remember how it tasted? Now have you ever been to Chicago? The famous Varsity Hot Dogs of Chicago! The Chicago hot dog tastes different than a New York hot dog because the Chicago dog used celery seed in the recipe! Some other uses for celery seeds are in soups and dressings. I love chicken soup don't you? I always add dill weed to my chicken soup and then I add some crushed up celery seeds for a great taste
and an extra boost to the soups aroma! Celery seed is fantastic in coleslaw and potpies and in some countries celery seed is used in making alcoholic drinks!
So as you can see the venerable celery seed is quite a versatile spice in the kitchen. I have given you some general information about the celery seed and some recipes and foods that the celery seed is used it. Now it's your turn to explore how you can use the celery seed in your cooking endeavors. I would like to hear what you come up with! Until next time thanks for reading!
Photo Courtesy Of Howcheng
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