Pasta Salad Recipe
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This week I am going to be doing something with some Japanese buckwheat noodles called Soba Noodles. I am going to make a Soba Noodle recipe that is a Thai inspired Soba noodle recipe. This is a very easy pasta salad recipethat can be made in minutes and is delicious and healthy to eat! I am doing this recipe for a reason. It's spring time again and the weather if finally warming up into the eighties. That means that it is time for social gatherings and friends and food! Time to breakout the old barbecue grill again! I love summer gatherings with friends because it is a really great way to relax and catch up with each other that we don't normally get to do because of our busy workaday world and hectic lifestyles. The best part of the parties whether they are here at my place or at a friends is that everyone makes something to bring! It's generally the usual fare like steaks for burgers or chicken made of course in many ways. Then there are the side dishes like potato salad, coleslaw and pasta or macaroni salad.
It's the macaroni or pasta salad recipe that brings me to this weeks Soba noodle recipe. so as stated this week I am going to make a pasta salad recipe with an Asian flair or Thai style to this Soba noodle recipe. The Soba noodles are Japanese but I'm going to make this pasta salad recipe using Thai flavors although for the most part many dishes of Asian culture are so very interchangeable to begin with and that is why I LOVE Asian food! You see to me regular old macaroni salad recipe or pasta salad recipe is just to darn "pedestrian" and boring and you find them at all the gatherings and it never really changes. This Soba noodle recipe will change the way you look at and make your pasta salad recipe for your social events in the future. You can make this pasta salad recipe with just about anything you have in your refrigerator which is a good thing because it doesn't need to always be "Asian" in style and you can add whatever vegetables you have on hand and you can also decide whether or not to make this pasta salad recipe vegetarian or not as well! If you don't have Soba noodles on hand you can use whole grain or whole wheat pasta as well! It's all good! I’ve made this pasta salad recipe or some variation of it for countless parties and barbecues, and I almost always get asked for the recipe.
From what I am to glean Soba noodles are a good choice for this pasta salad recipe especially if you are trying to go or need to go gluten. Soba noodles are made from buckwheat and have a nuttier flavor than other pastas but I would check the ingredients on the back of the package to make absolutely sure as there are many brands out there. There is also the option of using wheat free soy sauces if you need to go gluten free as well and some of the liquid amino acids out there would make a good substitute for the soy sauce. I use a brand of Tamari sauce that is gluten free so if you can't find the amino liquid just go to you market and find some Tamari. This Soba noodle recipe is by no means a main course! It is a side dish although I am sure if you eat a big enough plate you could call it a main course. This pasta salad recipe goes great as a side dish to homemade sushi or just about any meat main dish.
Asian have certain criteria when it comes to foods, herbs and spices and in Japan it's not different. Soba noodles are used in a myriad of ways like the way I am using them. In other words Soba noodles are eaten cold in the summer(although this is not writter in stone for all Japanese.)And eaten hot in the winter like in soups or hot in a soba noodle recipe of some kind. I like the nutty flavor of Soba noodles and I always buy the big 18 serving box to have on hand to make ramens and other hot pasta recipes. Try this Soba noodle pasta salad recipe and work with it and make it your own way. Let's check out the video! Enjoy!
Oh it looks pretty delicious. I love pasta a lot. Thanks you for sharing the recipe. More to come! :D