Beef Bourguignon
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This week I am making Beef Bourguignon in a slow cooker. I was at work all last week wondering what it was that I was going to make for my next weeks video. You know as a foodie I am surrounded by a world of food and there are still times when I kick myself in the head wondering what the heck I am going to make for the coming week. This week I was saved by a guy named Paul in the East Coast of England who sent me a private message on my Youtube channel and just asked a basic question. "Hows about a slow cooker recipe?"
I wrote him back saying C'mon you just throw a piece of meat and some spuds and such in the crock and there it is your easy slow cooker recipes! He replied to me that he is now only getting into cooking and that he's been living off of fast food and his George Foreman grill for years and now he wants to improve his diet and cooking skills. So I gave it some considerable thought and decided that I just wasn't going to throw a chicken in the crock pot with veggies and go from there.
I decided to cook Beef Bourguignon in a slow cooker. Now there is only one Beef Bourguignon recipe out there and that belongs to Julia Child in her classic book "Mastering The Art Of French Cooking." Well I was going to build my Beef Bourguignon recipe and adapt mine from hers. There are many easy slow cooker recipes out there but this one is special because Beef Bourguignon is a classic French dish and I was asked by someone to do this and so I wanted to make something special.
My Beef Bourguignon recipe will NOT be an exact copy of the classic by Julia Child. My recipe will have some subtle changes. One of the layers of flavor that I will be putting into this Beef Bourguignon recipe is a charred half of onion. Another changes is I am not going to be using "lardons" or blanched bacon to spice my sauce. Rather I am going to be using some French Andouille sausage in it's place as this adds a different spice set to the Beef Bourguignon. I will also be using some Cognac to fortify the red wine and some baby yellow potatoes at the end as well. So let's watch the video for my Beef Bourguignon one of my new favorite easy slow cooker recipes!