Basil is one of my favorite herbs to use in the kitchen and I like both the domestic Italian basil and I truly love thai basil. Basil is a leafy, bright green plant and in Latin is called Ocimum Basilicum. Believe it or not, the basil leaf is in the mint family of plants. The lions share of basil is grown in the United States and Egypt! When I learned that it was grown in Egypt I was amazed!
We all know that basil is a major herb used in Italian cooking ( I love Italian food!) and in Thai cooking. (I love thai food!) Basil is an excellent companion to tomatoes and when I make tomato salad I use lots of basil! I can't think of anything that basil does not compliment, it is fantastic with eggs, meats, veggies, cheese and even tofu when I make tofu cheese! (More on that later!) And please let us not forget.......Basil Pesto! (In the words of Homer Simpson: Ummm! Basil Pesto!) The aroma of basil is herbal and sweet.
The Ocimum Basilicum(Basil) is native to India and Persia originally and it was a highly cherished and highly detested in the old world. The Latin name of Ocimum Basilicum stands for "be fragrant." The herb was loathed by the Greeks, and loved by the Romans! To the Romans it was a fertility symbol. In the modern world in India today the Hindu people keep basil plants in their homes as they feel that it will bring happiness into their homes! As with most herbs make sure that you store basil in a cool, dark place with a temperature not to exceed 70-75 degrees!
Now, as far as the health benefits of the basil leaf there has been modern research that has found that essential oils in basil have antioxidant, anticancer, and antimicrobial properties. Some research has also shown that basil has the possiblity of decreasing platelet counts in mice. Basils more traditional uses has been for stress reduction, asthma relief and diabetes control in India. In India basil has also been used for the relief of acne. In Ayurvedic medicine in India basil has supposedly been used in the treatment of gastric disorders and inflammatory conditions and well as a treatment for the common headache, fever, and even nausea and hypertension. Culturally, basil has been put in the hands of the dead in Europe to help their journey be a safe one. Also in India basil has been placed in the mouth's of the dying to make sure that the dying make the journey to God. Basil is quite an interesting herb huh?
Note: Some basil types like Thai basil holds up pretty well in the freezer!
Photo by: Paul Goyette
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